*p1226X(102X&k4H*p250X&k4H&k0H*p250X&k4HThe Roman Italic style represents a true italic font; a completely different font than a slanted Roman font. *p250X&k4H&l8C
*p1227X(102X&k4H*p250X&k4H&k0H*p250X&k4HOptimis, adapted from stone carved characters done by the ancient Romans, is a flared font that gives text a&l8C
*p250X(102X&k4H*p250X&k4H&k0H*p400X&k4H&k.4H&a400L&k0H*p400X&k3.4HThese four font styles are available from SWFTE International Ltd. for $99.95 plus $5 S/H. To
*p400X&k4Horder, send a check to Box 5773, Wilmington, DE 19808, or call (800) 237-9383 toll free. &l1X